Treat Your Animal Buddies with Lot of Care

All of us are fond of having animal companions of our own. But just having them is not enough we need to take utmost care of them like our own kids. Animals need a lot of love and care and if we cannot provide them that much then keeping them is not worth.


Just like human health animals too fall sick and they too need proper care and attention while they are not well. Taking them to veterinary hospitals is good but that might have side effects too. So we need to do their Reiki Healing treatment in such a way that they will feel relaxed and will not face the painful injections. And the crystals play a very important role here. Yes crystals along with Reiki treatment help a lot in this regard.

The Rose quartz crystals are the ones that are used here as these crystals help in healing injuries, illness and reducing stress and are preferred to be the best crystals to merge with the Reiki treatment. So make your animals feel a painless and even more effective treatment to heal their wounds.

Marvelous Crystal and its Miracle

Crystals or gemstones are an integral part of our mother Earth. Crystals possess a very powerful energy which is used to heal all body ailments physical as well as emotional. This use of healing crystal when and how originated is still an unresolved mystery. Nowadays doctors and scientists also recommend this therapy for alleviating illness but yet not approved it as a drug officially.

Healing Crystals
Energy just like blood flows within our body through various channels.  The energy flows throughout the body and then culminates in various parts of the body and these culmination points are called the Chakras or energy centers.  Generally there are seven chakras on which the healers focus while   healing Energy.

Energy Healing
Crystals are energetic, radiating and pulsating active entities which vibrate at a different pace. The energy of the crystals flow through the palm chakra of the therapist to the whole body of the patient and the most interesting fact about this whole process is that the energy gets distributed in such a manner that the parts of the body get that amount of energy which they need and hence balancing the whole body. That’s why these crystals are miraculous.

Reiki Treatment and its After Effects

Reiki healing is a natural healing Power process which is performed under the supervision of a Reiki master. During the Reiki treatment when the vibrations of a person go up, all the negative forces and blockages are released from the body.

The toxins that are stored within the body get released. The toxins that is released due to the Reiki healing treatment goes into the main blood stream of the body and moves to Kidneys and liver. Then these toxins are removed from the body after being filtered by Kidneys and liver.

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As a result of this a person might feel frail because of the rapid changes in the body. While some people feel weak, others might feel headache or uneasiness in the stomach. Different people feel differently due to the changes in their body because of the treatment. After the whole process of Reiki you will feel light and relaxed.

Some of the common after effects are

  • Upset stomach
  • Headache
  • Sleepiness
  • Diarrhoea
  • Indigestion

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But these after effects are not harmful as the Reiki treatment masters advise to take a lot of rest after the treatment. Reiki is generally used for reducing stress, pain and all kinds of tension. But Reiki can also used for relieving the post operation pains, eliminating the side effects of the chemotherapy.

Explore your Hidden Skills within You

Crystal healing being an alternative to medicine is getting praised today. As there are no adverse effects of it and also crystals create an atmosphere that calms down your body as well as mind. Every crystal energy healing  has its unique in-built structure that makes it to resonate at a certain frequency. And this resonation or vibration creates a healing effect that heals the pain, wound and stress within you.

Human beings and other organisms are liquid crystals, showing signs of a more intricate pattern and swiftness than that of the solid form. Because of this under pressure or stress the body and mind of a human starts distorting and it creates chaos within the body and mind resulting in illness.

effective crystal therapy is the relationship between crystals and human is everlasting. By using this therapy you will find peace within your mind which will help you gaining relaxation, you will boost up your energy and enhance your self confidence and maturity. Also you will be able to keep balance between your body, mind and soul.

This is one way to follow spirituality that improves your hidden skills within you.

Curing Spiritually- Reiki Meditation

Generally, we all go for medication and healing crystals pendant when we are in poor health or sick. But sometimes has some side effects that affect us terribly in negative aspect. This leads to rather poor health.

There are many alternatives to  medication but sadly very few of us are aware of it. Reiki is one of the alternatives available. It is a very old Japanese technique where it is believed that the universal life force flows through our hands to our body by just touching the affected body part. It is mostly used for reducing stress, depression and providing relaxation. It is a kind of meditation you can say.

It is a technique that can be performed by anybody just you need is peace of mind, healing concentration power and slight inclination towards spirituality. And all these are correlated as concentration can only be achieved if you have peace of mind and then you can move towards spirituality. It is a calm and composed method for relieving all your pain and stress spiritually.

Numerous practitioners exist these days and they can help you in this aspect and under their guidance you will feel like getting acquaintance with the supernatural being. You can get in touch with them online too.